Welcome to West End Connection!

Preserving the rich and robust history of the West End Community in Cookeville, Tennessee, strengthening connections with one another for the betterment of West End residents and family, while fostering new relationships with our neighbors — that is our mission.

About WEC

The West End Connection (WEC) is a community organization formed in 2021 by people who love, respect, and grew up in the West End community in Cookeville, Tennessee. WEC is committed to improving and preserving this neighborhood, and they believe that a strong community is essential for a better future.

WEC News & Announcments

Community Impact

Our community came together this past year to accomplish great things! We raised enough money in just 6 months to fund our programs, thanks to the generosity of our community. We are so grateful for the strong connections we have built with our neighbors. These connections have made it possible for us to achieve so much in such a short period of time. We are excited to continue working together to make our community a better place for everyone.

Programs & Services

* Darwin School Reunion Celebration
* Back to School Bash
* Gardening/Learning to Plant
* Holiday Chili Supper
* Neighborhood Clean Up Days

We are always looking for more people to get involved and help us make a difference. We know that many of our members have full-time jobs, so we try to schedule events on weekends and holidays when most people are available.

News and Events

I Am My Ancestors' Wildest Dream

The 2nd Annual "I Am My Ancestors' Wildest Dream" — another original play by Cookeville Theatre Company — will hit the stage on Friday night, including African American actors from all throughout the Upper Cumberland region. "I Am My Ancestors' Wildest Dream," according to show director Lori Jackson-Strode, accentuates the victories of black history. She said the program will serve as a reminder to audiences that African Americans have a rich history of optimism, inventiveness, and joy. First and foremost, Jackson Strode stated, "The history of Black people in America isn't separate from America." "American history is black history." They're entangled. Without the other, there can be no one. They are not distinct entities. I want to emphasize that idea all the time.

Bushtown Mural

Bushtown Mural

Located in Cookeville, this mural uses a broad color spectrum is analogous to the broad array of life experiences lived by all using the space. Divisions of space and simple dash patterns infuse the whole design with movement.

You Will Be Missed Alex

Dedication to Alex Hughes

We here at West End Connection are deeply saddened by the recent loss of 18-year old DeMarcus Alex Hughes. The tragic death of this young "angel" of the community has send shockwaves throughout Cookeville, Tennessee.

Tree Dedication in Memory of Alex Hughes

Tree Dedication Ceremony

WEC and members of the community plan to plant a memorial tree in remembrance of an unforgettable young man, Alex Hughes. He will be forever missed, forever remembered. We hope that his loved ones can find comfort in the days to come. So everyone please come out to West End Park on November 11th, at 2pm.

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

Join us for an exciting fundraising event that promises fun, competition, and delicious food! The West End Connection is thrilled to invite you to be a part of this fantastic day of basketball, good food and fun!

The West End Connection Team

The West End Connection Team

Get to know the Board Members and Staff of the West End Connection team. Also, get to know newest board member Shawnee Mominee.

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Photo Gallery

The West End Connection Vision? A diverse and dynamic community where individuals and families thrive, where people willingly share the responsibility of ensuring a safe and healthy community, and where there is ongoing emphasis on enhancing the quality and development of life for all citizens.

WEC Board of Directors

Natalie Okorji


Shawnee Mominee


Monica Reynolds


Ebony Sampler


The West End Connection Impact

The WEC is made up of people from all walks of life, but they are united by their common goal of making the West End a better place. They work together to solve problems, organize events, and advocate for the needs of the community. The WEC is an example of how strong communities can make a difference. They are working to create a more vibrant, equitable, and sustainable West End for everyone. Here are some specific examples of how the WEC is working to build a stronger community: They are organizing cleanups and beautification projects to improve the appearance of the community. They are working to create more affordable housing options for residents. They are advocating for better public transportation and infrastructure. They are supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs. They are organizing events and activities to bring people together. The WEC is an inspiring example of how people can come together to make a difference in their community. They are working to create a better future for the West End, and they are showing the world how strong communities can make a difference.

We paid tribute to the remarkable students of Darwin School for Colored Children, who defied adversity at every step of their educational journey. These resilient young individuals made the bold choice to pursue education, facing challenges that would have deterred many. Rising early each day, some even traversed county lines on buses to reach the only school catering to black students across four counties. Despite family responsibilities, limited transportation, and even wartime service, many persevered.

This event is an annual  back to school supplies fundraiser and giveaway to community school children. We serve all school aged children from Pre-Kindergarten to High school. We usually ask the community and city for donations of money and school supplies. We gather them up and store them, take inventory of what we have and still need. We take donations specifically for this event all year long to make sure our supplies are enough for the community. On the day of the bash we provide backpacks, tablet paper, notebook paper, pencils, pens, markers, crayons, colored pencils, folders, composition notebooks, and calculators. We have different substations set up at West End Park Pavilion with staff (and parents) directing the kids through each sub-station to make sure they get all they need. We also provide lunch: grilled burgers, hot dogs, soda, water, and chips.